Meet the Maker


It all started when…

I love making furniture. Just love it. As far back as I can remember I would have a favourite chair, table, toy or wooden box that I would obsessively use and scrutinise. It was not unusual to see little pudgy toddler legs trying to climb into my grandfather's wooden armchair before anyone else could claim it. A few years later I was ruining all of my fathers tools in my pursuit to “invent things”… he’s almost forgiven me.

As it turned out, it was the marriage of creativity and problem solving within boundaries that interested me - solve a problem and make it look good; that was where the fun was to be found.

This design led to the pursuit of a degree in Industrial Design and after gaining this and a Masters degree in 3D Animation and Motion Graphics, I put the furniture on hold, working for ten years in the visual effects and design industries creating designs, animations and visuals for TV, films and advertising. 

But the physical skill that comes with making and prototyping furniture has always been my greatest interest and after recently completing training with the prestigious Williams and Cleal Furniture School, Jan Lennon Furniture was launched.

Welcome to Jan Lennon Furniture, I hope you see something you like. If you do, drop me a line and let me know. I'd love to hear from you.